Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Shore" Photos

 Found Object, Glass Beach
 Breaking Wave, Mendocino Coast
 Sunrise, McKerricher State Beach
Sunset, Gray Lodge Wildlife Area

The Launch of the "Fierce Leader"

 Waiting for the tide
 Ist time wet
Nosing to the dock

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As the name implies, show a contrast between the subject and the background (foreground).

Volcanoes Waterfalls and Mountains

 Burney Falls

 Feather Falls

In the background is the smallest mountain range in the world, The Sutter Buttes.

Scanner as Camera

As the name implies, the theme was to use your scanner as a camera. Incidentally the theme was my idea.

Inverted photos

In this contest we were to either use the camera upside down, or invert the photo in post-production. I leave it to you to determine which is which.

BW Test